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Dictionary - Training

About us

ChemiPlus was created by Roman Kovalenko.
The information for this site was gained with the help from the following people, thanks goes out to them all: Kovalenko M.D., Nikolaev N.S. and Gertin A. T.
ChemiPlus Team


ChemiPlus is a non-profit site, and has no aim in collecting personal information about the users who visit this site. We do collect partial infomation about you when you subscribe to our forum services, this infomation however is always kept strictly private and will never be sold or given to anyone. The aim of ChemiPlus is to present information to you, the user. You are welcomed to leave any comments about the site, and help us improve.

Disclaimer and Copyright

The site aims to provide information free at the point of use, but can make no 100% guarantee about the accuracy of the information available on this site. Human error will play a factor in the creation of any web site, and therefore inaccuracies do arise when people make web sites and learn more about a new subject.
Considerable attempts are made to ensure their are as little errors as possible within the information on this site. In regards to copyright, all information on this website is unique to ChemiPlus and is therefore copyrighted by the webmaster of ChemiPlus. The webmaster reserves their rights and therefore any breach of copyright in information in regards to this site is against the law and breaches intellectual property rights.